Sunday, February 10, 2013

Assembling the Bumpers

Our Rock Solid team has the best sponsors and mentors!  Dan Cruikshank of Granite Gear ( helped our team make the bumpers.  Two of our team members received sewing lessons at Granite Gear headquarters.

the plan

when we were deciding on which kind of robot we wanted to build, we threw out many ideas like a robot that zooms around and blocks frisbes or one that just collects them but then came the *classified information* idea and we stuck with it and got the *classified information* parts and started building the *classified subject*  -DJDuzRite

Saturday, February 9, 2013

the coolest things that our team has done so far in my opionion is making inanimate objects become animate and createing somthing from nothing

Carbon Fiber

Our sponsors are awesome!  Rock Solid!  One of our sponsors, Kestrel Aircraft, has fabricated some components of our robot for us out of carbon fiber, which is the material that airplanes are made of.  Our team was guided through the process in making our tailgate and our battery well out of carbon fiber as well.  As soon as I can attach some photos of the process, I will update this post! 
                                                                                                              --Coach Burton

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Agate Robotics team 4656 started when one of our team coaches,  Mr. Schlangen, went to a competition at the DECC to watch his nephew compete. He found it very compelling and became interested in starting a team at Two Harbors High School. He took the idea to our school principal, Mr.Archer. Mr. Archer was on board with the idea and submitted a grant to NASA. This grant made the start of this program possible. Our two coaches, Mr. Schlangen and Ms. Burton, got the word out to students. After students became involved we started looking to the community for mentors and sponsors. This is how our team of 14 students, 2 coaches, 12 mentors, and many many sponsors came to be.
                                                                                                         -DJDuzRite    (ed. HN)

Friday, January 25, 2013